Thursday, 11 February 2021



4 Slices of Swordfish.

Home grown olive oil.

A small clove of garlic.





oregano picked in the spring and dried,

2 tomatoes,

green olives,



1/2 glass white wine.

A lemon as well...picked about half an hour earlier! Lol!

The tomatoes, salt and pepper were bought. The basil is on my kitchen windowsill.

Brown the fish in the olive oil.

Add the other ingredients. Cook with lid on pan untill tender.


 300g semola.

200g 00 flour.

1 cube brewers yeast (lievito di birra)

300 ml water. "summer sun" heat : warm to touch but not boiling.

2 teaspoons sugar

2 tablespoons olive oil. 

1.5 teaspoons salt.

Just writing down ingredients so I remember! 

Mix yeast with sugar in warm water. 

Add to mixture, don't put salt and oil near to sugar when mixing.

Oven really Hot. About 40 mins till "knock" hollow sound. I have a gas oven. Heat first while bread is risng.

Ideal to use in a bread machine with setting for mixing then in oven.