Thursday, 14 February 2019

Make do and mend.

I have been doing a little bit of sewing recently.


When I went to see DD my DGD sadly told me her cushion cover had threads coming from it! It had been washed for the first time. 


A bought one especially sewn for her the quality was very poor when I looked at the inside. A simple zigzag badly done. So Grandma to the rescue! 


While sewing I decided to make her doll quilt bigger as I had found some more squares. These were cut from two pairs of leggings Elizabeth had when small and her sister wanted a quilt made from them. 


A new backing and cushions and one little girl should be happy. 

With some old flannelette I decided to make some face wipes. A quick overlock around and they are done...if you catch all the edges properly! Lol! 

face wipes

I suffer from rosacea and have to be careful what I use on my skin. These seem to be ideal.

flannel wipes

I was brave and changed the thread on my overlocker. Looks like some engineer's nightmare when it comes to threading it! I don't use it enough to have learnt to do it quickly but when I actually do it sews like a dream. 
I need more hours in a day.

singer overlocker

I love being able to create new things from old!