Saturday, 11 August 2018

Three Month Puppy!

Wow just where has time gone to? 


Shadow is already 3 months old! A bundle of joy and mischief!

She is getting better at doing her "stuff" where she should.....outdoors! 

Has learnt to sit on command and sure knows what "No" means....although frequently just goes back to try and do whatever it was she wanted to do and shouldn't! It is like having a toddler in the house with never ending energy! 

Didn't do your homework? She is the original "dog ate my homework" excuse!

dog homework

Puppy fun

A brush....atttack!

Puppy fun

Photo bomber....I was trying to take a photo of the baby blanket I made for her Mum's owner. Shadow thought she should be in it and jumped up to pose just at the right time!

Want to play?......

Feed puppy!

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Its a dog's life!

New arrival in the family. A cute labrador puppy. So the training fun begins once more! 

My other dog is quite old now but still in excellent shape. Going gray in places where he was all black but can still run like the wind. He walks at least two chilometers every morning and every evening when DH takes him down to where the cows are. That doesn't include all the extra roaming he does down there!

This is his domain. In the corridor behind the door.

The puppy is taking over the house. At that age where she is curious and investigates everything. My house hasn't been so clean and tidy in a long time! 
She isn't allowed upstairs though. 

My other dog has always been scared of thunder and brooms....who knows what he went through in the dog pound where we adopted him at about six weeks old. 

She adores brooms and jumps on them. She pulls them around the room. Gets super excited playing with DD and then looks like a toy when she sleeps! Miss innocence! Sure!

 I had to move my spinning wheel as she decided it was an ideal place for her to go.... 

She loves shoes....ok... she is female? .......

Her space her food....


She is a real pest!

Monday, 7 May 2018

Camomilla / chamomile

It is May and the time has come to collect the Camomilla. A plant which grows wild here. 


There are various ways of drying and storing it, I tried the way an old lady, Comare Santa used to do it. Her son very kindly gathered it for me so I am sure they are the correct flowers.

The flowers are best picked in the late afternoon it seems. Rinsed and then quickly dried. Checking there are no insects. 

Then I shortened the stalks cleaning excess leaves and folded them in 3 into little "parcels", tying them with a piece of the stalk.

 Now they are in a basket near the window drying.

When properly dry I will store in a paper bag or in a glass jar. Not sure yet! 

Not bad for a first attempt. There are many uses for these flowers.

Such a beautiful smell in the house right now! 

We were down where the oranges grow recently. Still a few on the trees. I will be making some liquor with them soon!

Such an old abandoned house and watermill there, all overgrown with vegetation. Everything gathered around there is totally natural. No pesticides at all.

We do live in a beautiful place!

Friday, 30 March 2018

Today I was really happy as my kam popper pliers arrived. I had ordered some poppers a while ago and then found there was no way to fix them without the pliers! Fortunately they arrived very quickly and I can see various uses for all the poppers I now have! 

kam snaps

It has been a bad month as far as being frugal goes. So many extra things have been necessary. However I am keeping up with my resolution to not buy any yarn or fabric. Apart from the mini cupcake fabric I had already ordered, I am working with things I have in my stash. Downsizing and saving!

This baby blanket is made from Bamboo yarn. Feels so lovely and soft! 

This one I am working on is from a yarn called battufolo, really fine and lovely. 

I made some strawberry jam from some fruit left from Palm sunday. Yummy. Using leftovers. 
Shame there wasn't more! Lol!

homemade jam

So I will continue trying to be frugal!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Honey yoghurt cake.

Well a month has flown by here. Life has been hectic with several problems preventing me from doing as I would like to! 

Frugal life

I have found some time to experiment with my yoghurt cake! 

A frugal life

I wanted to make a cake with olive oil, homemade yoghurt and honey. Not easy to find a recipe I like so experimenting. I need to read up about the chemical proportions of cake making ingredients. 


The first was a little browner in colour. I learnt that honey darkens as it cooks in the cake. Yesterday I changed the proportions slightly adding another egg and it was far lighter in colour. Also a different sort of honey...acacia instead of orange! 

Using ingredients that are available to me without buying things was fun. The flour and the baking powder were the only bought ingredients! 

Frugal life.

DD had some with strawberry jam! I must make some jam this year!


Then there was also the version with Nutella! Lol!
 Well at least she did eat it!

Baking can be fun.

Monday, 19 February 2018

The 3 “R”s of Green Living!

3 Rs

The 3 "Rs" In origin this reffered to the foundations of a 

basic skills orientated education program in schools: reading, 

writing and arithmetic. Now we use it for Reduce, Reuse and 


The 3 Rs of the environment: reduce, reuse, recycle. Ideals which have been around for a while now and we maybe all know them but do we practice them?

Companies are always selling us a new ideas. The latest seems to be that we can shop our way to a healthier planet. What is the cold truth is that we really need to avoid buying new things! Global warming, deforestation, and other earthly ills cannot be solved by switching brands. We need to eliminate unecessary purchases wherever possible!

It takes resources to manufacture and transport all products, even those made from recycled content. At the very least, energy is spent. And spending resources leaves the world poorer, not better off. So just avoid those things we really don’t need!

Green life

Buying nothing is better for the earth than buying green.

Reduce, reuse and recycle!


"Reduce" means using fewer resources in the first place. This is the most effective of the three Rs and the place to begin. This is really where we need to start.
Purchase products which need less packaging limiting the waste we are producing. Also avoid unecessary purchases. When you shop, shop differently. Look for things that will last - things that are not just durable and well-made, but useful and which will please you for a long time.
The extra money you maybe spend on their purchase will be offset by the money you do not spend replacing them. Don't chase the latest fashions. They will age the fastest.


Before you recycle or dispose of anything, consider whether it can be reused in any way. Avoid all disposal bags and cups. Reuse the ones you have. Reusing keeps new resources from being used for a while longer, and old resources from entering the waste stream. It's as important as it is unglamorous. Think about how you can do it more.
I am always thinking of ways to reuse and “upcycle” old things. I will be sharing a few of these in the future.

Green cleaning


Recycling is now so easy. When we really have to eliminate things we now have garbage collection where we can throw things selectively.
Plastic, paper, glass, magazines, electronics and more can be processed into new products while using fewer natural resources and less energy. Organic waste can be used as compost.
Here in the village we have door to door pickup. In my house the biggest thing to throw is always plastic! Even though I try to avoid buying things with excess packaging there is always so much.

This is the area I really need to work on reducing. I need to cut down still more on the plastic coming into my house.

Try to learn what the recycling rules are in your own community and follow them whether they make obvious sense or not. It's the easiest way to do your part.
As for shopping for green products, by all means, do so, but only when you really need the thing you're shopping for.

What are your ideas for applying the “3 Rs”?

Green living

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Early Morning

Early morning snow

Early morning. The sun is rising and the dew is still on the grass.
 Birds are starting to sing and I can hear a cock crowing. 

frugal green grandma

The dull sound of the cowbells from across the valley as the cows slowly climb the steep winding track to the feeding trough.

Frugal green grandma

I do live in a beautiful place. To think I hated living here for so many years! Now I breathe in the fresh air and look around thankful for the beauty I see. 

I am sixty. I am a Grandma. Now life requires that I become even more Frugal! Money is always tight, even more so recently.


For a while I have been trying to live a greener life. It saddens me to see this beautiful place strewn with trash. Needless waste and pollution. 

So this is the start of my new journey. We have the Moon in Aquarius bringing new hope and changes (now that song is going through my head!) 

It is the Chinese New Year tomorrow with the Year of the Dog. 

Year of the dog

What better time than to try and do what I can to lead a greener life respecting Mother Earth? 

Nothing extreme. Just plodding along...want to join me?

Frugal green grandma