Monday, 18 March 2019

Poor Shadow!

Emergency trip to the vet's clinic on a Sunday afternoon. 


Shadow probably was stung by one of our huge calabrone wasps and it touched the salivary gland. The old saying here is that 7 of those wasps would kill a horse. She is only about 10 kilos weight!

Poor doggy was all swollen. Fortunately I had some Bentelan and gave it to her immediately. 

I sent a photo to our vet and he told us to bring her in straight away. The time for both to get to the clinic from home. She had a temperature of 39.5°c by the time we got there. The poison was working quickly. 

He did blood work and gave her injections of antibiotic and another stronger cortisone. She has to take medicine for 6 days and then check back. He said to call him any time if she got worse during the night but it wasn't necessary.

This morning she is still swollen but seems better than yesterday. Not her usual energetic self but has drunk some water. She is snuggled under a blanket feeling sorry for herself.


Had we not taken her straight away she would have swollen even more by this morning....if she was still alive. 

Poor doggie! Doesn't look like herself at all!