My other dog is quite old now but still in excellent shape. Going gray in places where he was all black but can still run like the wind. He walks at least two chilometers every morning and every evening when DH takes him down to where the cows are. That doesn't include all the extra roaming he does down there!
This is his domain. In the corridor behind the door.
The puppy is taking over the house. At that age where she is curious and investigates everything. My house hasn't been so clean and tidy in a long time!
She isn't allowed upstairs though.
My other dog has always been scared of thunder and brooms....who knows what he went through in the dog pound where we adopted him at about six weeks old.
She adores brooms and jumps on them. She pulls them around the room. Gets super excited playing with DD and then looks like a toy when she sleeps! Miss innocence! Sure!
I had to move my spinning wheel as she decided it was an ideal place for her to go....
She loves shoes....ok... she is female? .......
Her space her food....
She is a real pest!